Bramble Greenhouse Re-skinned
Bramble Greenhouse Re-skinned

In all our years growing chillies I can’t remember a busier January. One project we kicked off this weekend was the refurbishment of the Bramble greenhouse. This is a traditional Dutch Light glasshouse. In fact, it probably spent 20 years or so in operation in Holland before being disassembled and replaced with something more modern. The previous smallholders at this site probably purchased the used greenhouse and had it shipped across on a truck before rebuilding it here. We have spent nearly 15 years constantly repairing it (and another just like it) but it’s time to give this beautiful structure a new lease of life. The good news is that it has a structurally sound steel frame. Once we remove all the glass and wood and cover all the key bits with anti-hot spot tape it will be re-skinned in some of the best available polytunnel plastic. These are some of the ‘before’ pics. Stay tuned for more. @edibleornamentals #chilli #farm #polytunnel #greenhouse #glasshouse #hotsauce #chilesauce #chillijam #fresh #produce #scotchbonnet #ingredients #chef #vegan #recipe #poblano #growyourown #allotment #seed #germination #wholesale #taste #flavour #destination #Bedfordshire #artisan #art #love #carolinareaper #naga Bramble Greenhouse Re-skinned

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